Tag: Password

New and surprising password guidelines released by NIST

21. December 2017

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), a non-regulatory federal agency within the U.S. Department of Commerce that promotes innovation and industrial competitiveness often by recommending best practices in matters of security, has released its Digital Identity Guidelines uttering advice for user password management.

Considering that Bill Burr, the pioneer of password management, has admitted regretting his recommendations in a publication back in 2003, the NIST is taking appropriate action by revising wide-spread practices.

For over a decade, people were encouraged to create complex passwords with capital letters, numbers and „obscure“ characters – along with frequent changes.

Research has now shown that these requirements don’t necessarily improve the level of security, but instead might even make it easier for hackers to crack the code as people tend to make minor changes when they have to change their already complex password – usually pressed for time.

This is why the NIST is now recommending to let go of periodic password change requirements alongside of algorithmic complexity.

Rather than holding on to these practices, the experts emphasize the importance of password length. The NIST states, that „password length has been found to be a primary factor in characterizing password strength. Passwords that are too short yield to brute force attacks as well as to dictionary attacks using words and commonly chosen passwords.“

It takes years for computers to figure out passwords with 20 or more characters as long as the password is not commonly used.

The NIST advises to screen new passwords against specific lists: „For example, the list may include, but is not limited to passwords obtained from previous breach corpuses, dictionary words, repetitive or sequential characters (e.g. ‘aaaaaa’, ‚1234abcd’), context-specific words, such as the name of the service, the username, and derivatives thereof.“

Subsequently, the NIST completely abandons its own suggestions and causes great relief for industries all over:

„Length and complexity requirements beyond those recommended here significantly increase the difficulty of memorized secrets and increase user frustration. As a result, users often work around these restrictions in a way that is counterproductive. Furthermore, other mitigations such as blacklists, secure hashed storage, and rate limiting are more effective at preventing modern brute-force attacks. Therefore, no additional complexity requirements are imposed.“

Verizon publishes Data Breach Investigations Report 2016: Phishing attacks trend upwards

20. June 2016

Verizon, a company that provides communication and technology services, has recently published the 2016 Data Breach Investigations Report (DBIR). The report reveals the trends regarding the sources and reasons for incidents and data breaches. It also provides recommendations on how to prevent or minimize the risk to be victim of a data breach.

The study has been developed by using data from 100.000 occurred data breaches provided by different industries. The study showed that the most affected industries are such as accommodation, finance, retail or the public sector. According to the report, the most common cause for attacks is directly or indirectly financial. Additionally, when it comes to a data disclosure, the attacker is usually an external person, not directly from inside.

The report describes nine main types of vulnerabilities that involve a risk for companies and persons. Phishing attacks have increased considerable in the last year and constitute together with stolen credentials the main cause of data breaches. Phishing attacks aim at tricking the victim by sending an e-mail so that he/she clicks on a link that contains malware in order to obtain certain personal or confidential information.

The report remarks that 30% of the phishing messages were opened and even 12% of people tested clicked on the phishing attachment. Moreover, only 3% reported management about the phishing e-mail. Phishing messages mostly aim at stealing credentials such as ID and password authentication. 63% of the confirmed data breaches involved stolen passwords.

In order to minimize the risk of being victim of a phishing attack, the report gives the following recommendations:

  • Filter your e-mail and test its implementation
  • Rise employee awareness and offer means to report such events
  • Protect your network by segmenting it and implement strong authentication mechanisms between the user and the networks
  • Monitor external connections

McAffee also provides useful recommendations regarding the identification and prevention of phishing attacks and the use of effective passwords.