Hamburg Data Protection Commissioner issues statement on the data exchange between Facebook and WhatsApp
Today, the Hamburg Data Protection Commissioner (DPA) issued a press release announcing an administrative order that aims at prohibiting the data exchange between Facebook and WhatsApp.
The critical opinion of the Hamburg DPA is based on the following arguments:
- Facebook and WhatsApp are legally independent companies, each of which has its own service terms and conditions.
- This data exchange infringes German Data Protection Law, as a legal basis for the collection and processing of personal data is required. In this case, the Hamburg DPA does not identify a legal basis for this data exchange.
- The legal basis is neither based on the user’s consent because Facebook has not obtained the effective consent of WhatsApp’s users.
- The ECJ has recently ruled that if a subsidiary processes personal data on behalf of its mother company, the national data protection laws are applicable. Facebook has its subsidiary for German speaking countries in Hamburg. According to this ruling, German data protection law is applicable in this case.
Johannes Caspar, Commissioner of the Hamburg DPA, has remarked that the administrative order protects personal data of around 35 million WhatsApp users in Germany, who have not given their consent for the processing of their personal data by Facebook. Upon this data exchange Facebook would receive personal data of WhatsApp users that do not even have a Facebook account.