French DPA launches public consultation on GDPR
In June 2016, a public consultation process about the GDPR was opened by the French DPA (CNIL). The consultation is based on the topics that the WP 29 identified as having priority in its action plan for the implementation of the GDPR, published beginning 2016.
The consultation aims at encouraging stakeholders to formulate questions regarding the GDPR in order to identify potential interpretation difficulties. Once the main questions and difficulties have been addressed, the WP 29 will issue guidelines regarding the relevant topics. The CNIL also offers the possibility to formulate questions about other topics, which are not directly mentioned in the consultation.
The main topics that are object of the current consultation are the institution of the DPO, Privacy Impact Assessments (PIA), data protection certifications and the right to data portability.
The consultation is opened until the 15th July 2016 and stakeholders can participate through the CNIL´s website. After that, the French DPA will publish a summary with the contributions.