UK Data Protection Commissioner speaks about “Brexit” and the GDPR
Last week, Elizabeth Denham, held her first speech as UK Information Commissioner (ICO). In this speech she referred, amongst others, to the effects of the Brexit with regard to the application of the GDPR.
Denham remarked that the GDPR involves the modernization of European Data Protection and the necessity of these new rules in order to ensure cross-border commerce and the protection of individuals. As the GDPR may be applicable before the UK has left the EU, she ensured that the ICO will keep on providing guidance and advice on the GDPR.
Furthermore, she stated that even after the UK has formally left the EU, flows of personal information will be still necessary, so that the level of data protection in the UK should be essentially equivalent to the one in the EU. Therefore, she encourages businesses to improve and adapt their practices to the GDPR.