Tag: Human rights

UN Report on privacy and data protection as an increasingly precious asset in the digital era

28. October 2022

UN Special Rapporteur on the right to privacy Ana Brian Nougrères published a report in which she laid out ten guiding principles “as a key structural part of every national legal system that regulate the actions of controllers and processors in the processing of personal data”.

According to the Special Rapporteur, “privacy is a human right that enables the free development of personality and the exercise of rights in accordance with the dignity of the human being […]. But today, we live in a world where participating in public and private activity at the national and international level requires more and more personal data to be processed”. Her goal is to achieve “cooperation and regulatory harmonization at the international level”. While many States regulate data protection and privacy issues nationally, international law enshrines the right to privacy in Article 12 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The Special Rapporteur indicated that national legislation already has much in common regarding the principles of privacy and data protection which can “serve as a basis for progressing towards a global consensus that will make it possible to address various challenges that arise in the processing and international transfer of data concerning individuals to ensure that their right to privacy is safeguarded in both virtual and face-to-face environments”.

The ten key principles analyzed are legality, consent, transparency, purpose, loyalty, proportionality, minimization, quality, responsibility, and security – hardly news from an EU perspective. This is not a coincidence, as the Special Rapporteur used several supranational legal frameworks, including the GDPR, as a base for her analysis. This shows once more that a solely Eurocentric view on privacy and data protection is ill-advised, as other parts of the world may not find the principles quite as self-evident. With her report, the Special Rapporteur wishes to encourage and guide States “to strike a balance between the different conflicting interests in the processing of personal data and the right to privacy in the global and digital era”.

The Government of India plans one of the largest Facial Recognition Systems in the World

14. February 2020

The Indian Government released a Request for Proposal to bidder companies to procure a national Automated Facial Recognition System (AFRS). AFRS companies had time to submit their proposals until the end of January 2020. The plans for an AFRS in India are a new political development amidst the intention to pass the first national Data Protection Bill in Parliament.

The new system is supposed to integrate image databases of public authorities centrally as well as incorporate photographs from newspapers, raids, mugshots and sketches. The recordings from surveillance cameras, public or private video feeds shall then be compared to the centralised databases and help identify criminals, missing persons and dead bodies.

Human rights and privacy groups are pointing to various risks that may come with implementing nationwide AFRS in India, including violations of privacy, arbitrariness, mis-identifications, discriminatory profiling, a lack of technical safeguards, and even creating an Orwellian 1984 dystopia through mass surveillance.

However, many people in India are receiving the news about the plans of the Government with acceptance and approval. They hope that the AFRS will lead to better law enforcement and more security in their everyday lives, as India has a comparably high crime rate and only 144 police officers for every 100.000 citizens, compared to 318 per 100.000 citizens in the EU.