Tag: European Identity & Cloud Conference

The global competition for Artificial Intelligence – Is it Time to Regulate Now?

21. May 2019

This year’s edition of the European Identity & Cloud Conference 2019 took place last week.
In the context of this event, various questions relevant from a data protection perspective arose. Dr. Karsten Kinast, Managing Director of KINAST Attorneys at Law and Fellow Analyst of the organizer KuppingerCole, gave a keynote speech on the question of whether internationally uniform regulations should be created in the context of a global competition for artificial intelligence (AI). Dr. Kinast outlined the controversial debate about the danger of future AI on the one hand and the resulting legal problems and solutions on the other. At present, there is no form of AI that understands the concrete content of its processing. Moreover, AI has not yet been able to draw any independent conclusions from a processing operation or even base autonomous decisions on it. Furthermore, from today’s perspective it is not even known how such a synthetic intelligence could be created.
For this reason, it is not primarily a question (as a result) of developing a code of ethics in which AIs can unfold as independent subjects. Rather, from today’s perspective, it would be a matter of a far more profane view of responsibilities.

The entire lecture can be found here.