ICO: confirmation about new guidelines in terms of the GDPR
Elizabeth Denham, UK Information Commissioner, participated at the Annual Conference of the National Association of Data Protection and Freedom of Information Officers during which she gave a keynote speech. In her statement Denham explained that the UK prepares for the upcoming GDPR. She confirmed the government’s position that the GDPR will be implemented in the UK as well – Brexit aside.
Denham’s statement includes that the first regulatory guidance on the GDPR can be expected to be published by the Article 29 Working Party at the end of this year. It is believed that this guidance will probably make a number of key aspects of the GDPR of discussion.
Another point of her speech included the fact that the Article 29 Working Party is about to release a concept of risk under the GDPR and carrying out Data Privacy Impact Assessments at the beginning of 2017.
Furthermore, it was mentioned that the Article 29 Working Party aims to publish guidance in terms of certifications under the GDPR.