Category: Data Protection
27. October 2022
On October 21st, 2022 the Italian Data Protection Authority launched an investigation on the use of cookie walls by several online newspapers. Although the GDPR allows the implementation of cookiewalls and paywalls (not revealing the content of a website unless the cookies have been accepted or a certain amount of money has been paid), the Italian watchdogs will take a closer look if these have been correctly implemented correctly and do not violated the European regulation.
Further information is yet to be released by the authorities.
12. October 2022
Lately, the Chinese social media success has been the subject of an investigation by the British data protection watchdog, the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO): the investigation has so far concluded that the social media network has clearly breached the United Kingdom’s data protection laws, in particular the regulations concerning children’s personal data in the time. The Authority issued therefore a notice of intent, which is a potential precursor to a fine amounting up to a staggering 27 million pounds.
In particular, the Authority found out that the platform could have processed personal data of children under the age of 13 failing to gather the parents’ consent for the processing of these data. Under these data there are allegedly also special category data, which have a special protection under Art. 9 GDPR.
Furthermore, in the ICO’s opinion the principle of transparency was not respected by the Chinese hit platform by not providing complete or transparent information on the data processing or their gathering.
The ICO’s investigation is still ongoing as the Commissioner’s Office is still deciding whether to impose the fine or whether there has been a breach of data protection law.
The protection of teenagers and children is the top priority of the ICO according to current Information Commissioner John Edwards. Under his guidance, the ICO has several ongoing investigations targeting various tech companies who could be breaking the UK’s data protection laws.
This is not the first time TikTok has been under observation by data protection watchdogs. In July a US – Australian cybersecurity firm has found that TikTok gathers excessive amounts of information from their users, and voiced their concern over their findings. Based on these precedents, it could be possible that local data protection authorities will increment their efforts to control TikTok’s compliance with local laws and, in Europe, with the GDPR.
27. September 2022
From September 6th to September 9th, 2022 a meeting between representatives of the G7’s Data Protection Authorities was held in Bonn, Germany, to discuss current regulatory and technological issues concerning the concept of Data Flow with Free Trust (DFFT), a proposed guiding principle for international cooperation on data flows.
It aims at providing answers to several questions in order to create a safe global digital environment in which the protection of data flow is guaranteed. The most important question is: how to overcome the existing data flow barriers? It may seem difficult to introduce a harmonization between countries that have a completely different approach and regulations in regard to personal data protection. To answer this question, a bottom – up approach was adopted for the implementation of the DFFT: it is foreseen that high – level intragovernmental discussions that result in pragmatic rule – making will be held, in order to parallel the public/private relationship for the resolution of individual issues.
Scholars and experts seem to think that RegTech could prove a very useful help to the implementation of the DFFT. To tackle some of the issues that were found in the various discussions and that resulted from research, the World Economic Forum issued a white paper finding seven common success factors that define the best deployment of RegTech.
This concept, first proposed by Japan’s late Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in 2019, is now moving into the implementation phase, mainly concerning trade agreements including e – commerce. A milestone regarding this topic will probably be the next G7 Conference, which will be held in Japan in 2023. Kishida Fumio, the new Japanese Prime Minister, claimed his country’s initiative in the project, and pledged his commitment to the continuous development of the DFFT.
ON June 28th 2022, two new provisions of the amended Europol regulation came into force. These changes are considered worrying by the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS), as they have a direct impact on the data processing of individuals in the European Union: based on these provisions, the new regulation allows the Europol to retroactively process large volumes of data, even of individuals with no links to criminal activity.
Specifically, before these new provisions were passed, individuals could expect that if their data was gathered by Europol it would be processed within six months in order to establish whether the individual was involved in illicit activities or not, and if the former was the case, that the data related to that person would be deleted. With these modifications, Europol would be allowed to store and process these data even if the individual was found not part of any wrongdoing.
In an effort to stop these changes to effectively come into force, the EDPS issued an order on January 3rd 2022 to amend the new provisions including a precisely determined deletion period for data related to individuals not connected to unlawful activities. Seen as the order was ignored by Europol, on September 16th the EDPS requested that the European Court of Justice (ECJ) annuls these two provisions. The authorities stated that this proceeding by Europol is a clear violation of the individual’s fundamental rights.
Furthermore, it is clear that by overriding a direct order by the European data protection watchdogs and by introducing such amendments the independent controlling power of the supervising authority is undermined: this could set a dangerous precedent by which authorities in the European Union could foresee possible counter – reactions of the legislative power to override their supervising activities depending on political will. This would result in a clear violation of the European Charter of Fundamental Rights, since there would be a concrete risk of undermining the independence of a controlling authority by making it subject to undue political pressure or interference.
26. August 2022
In July 2022, after an investigation related to a data breach was carried out by the Danish Data Protection Authority (Datailsynet), Google Chromebooks and Google Workspace were banned in schools in the municipality of Helsingor. The DPA ruled that the risk assessment carried out by city officials shows that the processing of personal data by Google does not meet GDPR requirements. In particular, data transfers have been targeted by the Authority: the Data Processing Agreement allows data transfer to third countries for analytical and statistical support, though the data are primarily stored in Google’s European facilities.
This decision comes in a moment of tension in the world of personal data between Europe and the United States of America: other notorious cases (some still ongoing) are the case of the Irish Data Protection Authority vs. Facebook (now part of Meta Inc.), and the case of the German Federal Cartel Office vs. Facebook. European watchdogs have found that in many cases the American tech giants’ policies do not meet the requirements established by the GDPR. This could be traced back to a lack of legal framework in the field of privacy and personal data protection in the United States, were these companies are based.
This decision was taken in the aftermath of the Schrems II ruling by the European Court of Justice, which stated that the pre-existing agreement on data transfers between Europe and the US (so-called Privacy Shield)was not compatible with the GDPR. A new deal is on the table, but not yet approved nor effective.
Google is becoming the target of various investigations by European data watchdogs, above all because of its tool Google Analytics. In January the Austrian Data Protection Authority published an opinion in which it stated that companies using Google Analytics inadvertently transferred customers’ personal data such as IP addresses to the United States, in breach of the GDPR. Italy’s Garante per la Protezione dei Dati Personali published a similar opinion a few weeks later, stating that “the current methods adopted by Google do not guarantee an adequate level of protection of personal data”.
23. August 2022
At the end of June 2022, the United States Supreme Court overturned its 1973 ruling in the case of Roe vs. Wade, thus concretely ending federal abortion rights. The decision caused a worldwide outrage, but now a concerning situation presents itself: the massive use of social media and the Internet by the population could result in serious personal privacy violations by the authorities. For example, tech giants such as Apple, Google and Meta Inc. could share users’ data if law enforcement authorities suspect a felony is being committed. This could especially be the case in those States who chose to make abortion illegal after the Supreme Court’s ruling. According to the United States’ Federal Rules of Civil Procedure no. 45, this kind of personal data could be made object of a subpoena, thus forcing the subject to produce them in court. In such a scenario tech companies would have no choice than to provide the consumer’s data. It is clear that this is a high risk for the consumer’s privacy.
In particular, location data could show if a person visited an abortion clinic. Many women use specific apps in order to track periods, fertility and an eventual pregnancy. All these data could be put under surveillance and seized by law enforcement in order to investigate and prosecute abortion – related cases.
In some States this already happened. In 2018 in Mississippi a woman was charged with second – degree murder after seeking health care for a pregnancy loss which happened at home. Prosecutors produced her Internet browser history as proof. After two years she was acquitted of the charges.
Another risk is posed by the so – called data brokers: these are companies that harvest data, cleanse or analyze it and sell them to the highest bidder. These companies could also be used by law enforcement agencies to arbitrarily investigate people who could be related to abortion cases.
The lack of legislation regarding personal data protection is a serious issue in the United States. For example, there is no principle of data minimization as found in the GDPR. The Supreme Courts’ ruling makes this historical moment unexplored territory from a legal point of view. Privacy advisors and activists recommend to try to limit the digital footprint users leave on the web. Also, new laws and bills could be introduce in order to limit the access law enforcement agencies have to personal data.
21. July 2022
European countries were among the first to introduce privacy laws in the context of antitrust and in the competition law framework. As a result of this implementation, in 2019 the German Federal Cartel Office took action to stop Facebook (now a part of Meta Inc.) from further processing personal data that had been acquired through third – party installations (most of all referring to cookies). The proceedings on the matter are still ongoing. Recently also the Irish Data Protection Authority took position against Facebook (which has in the meantime become Meta Inc.), by preventing the American tech giant to transfer user data to the United States due to data safety issues. Also in this matter the parties are still in debate.
In 2014 Facebook notoriously purchased messaging company WhatsApp for almost 22 bln. dollars. At the time Europe did not give much thought to the potential consequences of this merger. This operation was the object of an opinion of the European Commission; in the Commission’s mind the two companies’ privacy policies were way different, and the thought that Facebook now had control over all of the data collected by WhatsApp did not sit well with the European authorities. Another key argument brought forward by the Commission was the lack of an effective competition between the two companies. However, no further action was taken at the time.
A few years later, academic research highlighted the mistake made by the European Commission in not considering the enormous meaning personal data have for these tech companies: due to the fact that personal data are considered to be so – called “nonprice competition”, they play a key role in the strategies and decision – making of big data – driven business models. In particular, when a company depends on collecting and using personal data, it usually lowers the bar of privacy protection standards and raises the number of data collected. This argument was brought forward by the U.K.’s Competition Agency, which stated that by considering the enormous importance personal data have gained in the digital market, companies such as Facebook do not have to face a strong competition in their business.
These arguments and the growing unrest in various DPAs around the globe has brought in 2020 to the notorious investigation of Facebook by the Federal Trade Commission of the United States. In particular the FTC accused Meta Inc. (in particular Facebook) of stifling its competition in order to retain its monopoly of the digital market. On one hand an American court dismissed the claims, but on the other hand the high risks connected with an enormous data collection was highlighted. In particular, according to Section 2 of the Sherman Act, the State has:
- To prove that a company is in fact a monopoly, and
- That it has to harm consumers
This does not apply directly to the case, but the FTC argued that the harm to the consumers is to be seen in Meta Inc.’s lowering privacy standards. The case is still pending as of July 2022.
This merger showed how much privacy and antitrust issues overlap in the digitalized market.
In the following months, policymakers and enforcers both in the United States and in the European Union have been struggling to establish new sets of rules to better regulate mergers between companies whose business model relies on the collection of personal data, and above all they called for more cooperation between privacy and antitrust agencies.
7. July 2022
In the last decades AI has had an impressive development in various fields. At the same time, with each step forward the new machines and the new processes they are programmed to perform need to collect way more data than before in order to function properly.
One of the first things that come to mind is how can the rise of AI and the principle of data minimization, as contained in Art. 5 para. 1 lit. c) GDPR, be reconciled? At first glance it seems contradictory that there may be a way: after all, the GDPR clearly states that the number of personal data collected should be as small as possible. A study carried out by the Panel for the Future of Science and Technology of the European Union suggests that, given the wide scope (referring to the exceptions contained in the article) conceded by the norm, this issue could be addressed by measures like pseudonymization. This means that the data collected by the AI is deprived of every information that could refer personal data to a specific individual without additional information, thus lowering the risks for individuals.
The main issue with the current legal framework of the European Union regarding personal data protection is the fact that certain parts have been left vague, which causes uncertainty also in the regulation of artificial intelligence. To address this problem, the EU has put forward a proposal for a new Artificial Intelligence Act (“AIA”), aiming to create a common and more “approachable” legal framework.
One of the main features of this Act is that it divides the application of artificial intelligence in three main categories of risk levels:
- Creating an unacceptable risk, thus prohibited AIs (e.g. systems that violate fundamental rights).
- Creating a high risk, subject to specific regulation.
- Creating a low or minimum risk, with no further regulation.
Regarding high-risk AIs, the AIA foresees the creation of post-market monitoring obligations. If the AI in question violates any part of the AIA, it can then be forcibly withdrawn from the market by the regulator.
This approach has been welcomed by the Joint Opinion of the EDPB – EDPS, although the two bodies stated that the draft still needs to be more aligned with the GDPR.
Although the Commission’s draft contains a precise description of the first two categories, these will likely change over the course of the next years as the proposal is undergoing the legislative processes of the EU.
The draft was published by the European Commission in April 2021 and must still undergo scrutiny from the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union. Currently, some amendments have been formulated and the draft is still under review by the Parliament. After the Act has passed the scrutiny, it will be subject to a two – year implementation period.
Finally, a question remains to be answered: who shall oversee and control the Act’s implementation?It is foreseen that national supervisory authorities shall be established in each EU member state. Furthermore, the AIA aims at establishing a special European AI Board made up of representatives both of the member States and of the European Commission, which will also be the chair. Similar to the EDPB, this Board shall have the power to issue opinions and recommendations, and ensure the consistent application of the regulation throughout the EU.
30. June 2022
In early June, three of the four chairmen of the U.S. congressional committees responsible for data privacy submitted a drafted American Data Privacy and Protection Act (ADPPA) for consideration. If passed, it would override certain recently enacted privacy laws in some U.S. states.
The draft includes elements of the California Consumer Privacy Act and the European General Data Protection Regulation.
States led the way
Until now, data protection in the United States has primarily been at the top of the agenda at the state level. California, Colorado, Connecticut, Virginia and Utah have recently enacted comprehensive data privacy laws. This year alone, more than 100 privacy bills have already been introduced in the states. Although not all of these were adopted, the proliferation of state laws and their varying regulatory requirements has led to increasing calls for the adoption of a federal privacy law. A unified federal law, if passed, would provide much-needed clarity to entities and businesses and, ideally, would also stem the tide of class action and other privacy lawsuits brought under various state laws.
Affected Entities
The ADPPA broadly applies (with exceptions) to organizations operating in the United States that collect, process, or transfer personal information and fall into one of the following categories:
- Subject to the Federal Trade Commission Act
- Nonprofit organizations
- So-called Common Carriers, subject to Title II of the Communications Act of 1934
Requirements of the ADPPA (not final)
- Limit data collection and processing to that which is reasonably necessary
- Compliance with public and internal privacy regulations
- Granting consumer rights such as access, correction, and deletion
- Appeal options
- Obtaining consent before collecting or processing sensitive data, e.g. geolocation, genetic and biometric information, and browsing history
- Appointment of a data protection officer
- Providing evidence that adequate safeguards are in place
- Registration of data brokers with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
- FTC will establish and maintain a searchable, centralized online public registry of all registered data traders, as well as a “Do Not Collect” registry that will allow individuals to request all data traders to delete their data within 30 days
- Entities shall not collect, process, or transfer collected data in a manner that discriminates on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, or disability
- Implement appropriate administrative, technical, and physical data security practices and procedures to protect covered data from unauthorized access and disclosure
Outcome still uncertain
Shortly after a draft of the ADPPA was released, privacy organizations, civil liberties groups, and businesses spoke out, taking sides for and against the law.
As the legislative session draws to a close, the prospects for ADPPA’s adoption remain uncertain. Strong disagreement remains among key stakeholders on important aspects of the proposed legislation. However, there is consensus that the United States is in dire need of a federal privacy law. Thus, passage of such legislation is quite likely in the foreseeable future.
29. June 2022
On June 1, 2022, Thailand’s Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) entered into force after three years of delays after its enactment in May 2019. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Thai government issued royal decrees to extend the compliance deadline to June 1, 2022.
The PDPA is widely based on the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). In particular, it also requires data controllers and processors to have a valid legal basis for processing personal data (i.e., data that can identify living natural persons directly or indirectly). If such personal data is sensitive personal data (e.g. health data, biometric data, race, religion, sexual preference and criminal record), data controllers and processors must ensure that data subjects give explicit consent for any collection, use or disclosure of such data. Exemptions are granted for public interest, contractual obligations, vital interest or compliance with the law.
The PDPA also ensures that data subjects have specific rights, which are very similar to the GDPR: the right to be informed, access, rectify and update data, as well as restrict and object to processing and the right to data erasure and portability.
One major difference to the GDPR is that, while there are fines for breaching the PDPA obligations, certain data breaches involving sensitive personal data and unlawful disclosure also carry criminal penalties including imprisonment of up to one year.
Just like the GDPR, the PDPA also affects both entities in Thailand as well as entities abroad that process personal data for the provision of products and/or services within Thai borders.
Just as we have seen with the GDPR, it will be important to observe the evolution the PDPA will venture through as it becomes more incorporated into the Thai companies’ compliance.