Apple’s new iOS Update will enhance Privacy Features
At its Worldwide Developers Conference 2020 back in June, Apple announced new privacy features coming in a future iOS 14 update for its devices. These updates, coming in the fall, are supposed to include more control of sharing location data and indicators when an app is using the microphone or camera.
The updates mean that it will be further possible to limit how much location information is shared with apps, only allowing it to share approximate data rather than the devices precise location. Apple also introduced labels for app permissions to inform people how much data an app requests, before they even download them. The feature will show people those labels in two categories, on “Data Linked To You” and “Data Used to Track You“. However, this will have to be provided by the app developers themselves, leaving grey areas open.
“For food, you have nutrition labels,” said Erik Neuenschwander, Apple’s user privacy manager. “So we thought it would be great to have something similar for apps. We’re going to require each developer to self-report their practices.”
Further, the privacy updates also incorporate the Safari browser, allowing for a report on privacy while surfing the internet through the use of a “privacy report” button. It will allow the overview of all third-party trackers through one click, and allow the user to block them directly.
Apple also moved from the opt-out standard for apps using the user’s personal data to an opt-in scheme, requiring the active consent of the users in order to allow the use of their data.
While this is a positive development for all Apple users, Facebook states that it sees issues for small developers having to face these new privacy settings.
In a blog post, Facebook said it was making a change to its own apps, which in addition to its flagship app also include WhatsApp and Instagram, that would likely spare them from having to ask iPhone users for data-tracking permissions that many advertising industry insiders believe users will refuse. Facebook also stated it was making changes due to Apple’s new privacy rules that could hurt smaller developers that use a Facebook tool for serving apps in third-party apps.
Overall, Apple’s new privacy rules are a welcomed changes for its users, handing them further control over their own personal data.